I have done a lot of traveling alone these last few months. I met a great deal of people, some really incredible people I don't think I'll ever forget. There are, however, people I think I might forget. Like the waiter who took five minutes from his day to just chat with me a minute to see me smile. Or the guy who worked at the Internet cafe who just brought me a beer because we had both see the land of New Mexico. I really needed that beer that day. Or that woman in the grocery store line who, while we were waiting, just smiled.
I think all too frequently we forget that we are all one, we are all just human. Those people changed the course of my day. They didn't change the course of my life. I'll never see them again. They will receive no reward for their small deed, except maybe this blog.
We are all here, on planet earth, and no one is really sure why. Just smile, you might change someone's day and that is a pretty good reason to be here.
Disclaimer on the below:
I used to think art was a pointless subject, it didn't really change much, those creative people could be doing something better. Then the other day, when I was fairly lost and confused I saw this. It was written on the window of a closed cafe, and it change something.
La Vida esta llena de incongruencias y vicisitudes
y ante tanto caos
y ante tanta adversidad
solo podemos disfrutar del momento
Signed, Grateful

The cartoon images are apart of a project against violence in the Netherlands, check it out here www.hugtheworld.net